Perhaps he was, but there came times, now and then, when he asked Mother to dress him up, usually when one was at home. Father particularly enjoyed the soft and snuggly feel of petticoats! He even liked corsets! But, of course, he would never admit such to any of his handsome sons or pretty daughters. He let out a deep sigh as he folded his hands for prayer.
Patty: “Dear Lord, forgive me for my transgressions and bless us all. Thank you for this food and…(she spit it out)…make this frock-time go fast!”
“PATTY! “ yelled Gram. “What was that? How unseemly! How unlady-like!”
“I’m sorry, Grandmother. It just slipped out.”
“Just for that, you will speak in a girlish voice for the rest of the evening. Do you understand, Patty?”
More embarrassment. “Yes, Grandmother, dear,” Patty said in a high-pitched voice.” The younger girls giggled and they all looked down.
Patty squirmed in his chair and began to eat. But even the small portion she was given was difficult to get all down, her stays were so tight. She felt a bit nauseated, but managed to conceal it.
But Francine noticed her discomfort, and whispered, “If you eat slower, it will be easier on you. Girls always eat slowly.”
Patty glanced at her and smiled in gratitude, not only for the advice, but also more for the knowledge that she cared about her unfortunate brother. Then she unconsciously rubbed her aching waist again.
“Patty, young ladies do not continually touch their waists,” said Gram. “Desist!”
“Yes, Grandmother,” in her high voice.